The 7th GMO free regions conference will be held on the 4th and 5th of September in Brussels. People from across Europe will attend this important event to demonstrate the growing, strong resistance against GMOs in Europe.

What: GMO free Regions Conference 2012
When: 4th and 5th of September 2012
Where: Mundo B and European Parliament, Brussels
Central topics of the conference this year will be the upcoming seed legislation and the right to a national ban of GMO cultivation, the import of GM soy in connection with the approaching European CAP reform and the deficient risk assessment of GMO by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Here you can find the preliminary Programme:
This year, the conference will start off at the “Mundo B”, a key building for environment and development NGOs lobbying the European Parliament and Commission. There, we will offer workshops and give space for exchange and discussions. The next day there will be a meeting at the European Parliament to present demands to the public and to institutions in Brussels. More about the venues can be found here:
For registering for the conference, please fill out the registration form:
All updated information you can find on the website: If you have any questions, please contact the conference secretariat:
Conference Secretariat
Foundation on Future Farming
Marienstraße 19-20
D-10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 30 275 903 09
Fax +(0) 30 275 903 12