On opposite sides of the globe, pesticide regulators are refusing to release to the public the key industry studies on glyphosate that underpin regulatory authorizations and safety limits set for the herbicide.

Source: GM Watch, by Claire Robinson
Earlier this year a group of Chinese food safety volunteers submitted a request to China’s Ministry of Agriculture to disclose the study that justified issuing the safety certificate for the import into China of Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup. The Ministry replied that Roundup was registered in China in 1988 based on a toxicology test report issued by a testing company called Younger Laboratories in St Louis, Missouri. The test was an acute exposure toxicity test (such tests last a maximum of a few days), with Roundup being given to rats by mouth and applied to the skin of rabbits. It claimed to find no effect on the eyes or skin, and no allergy.
The volunteers asked the Ministry to release the study, and the Ministry in turn asked Monsanto. Monsanto replied that the study constituted its own commercial secret, adding that the company had never disclosed the study anywhere in the world and did not agree to disclose it now. The volunteers are appealing against the decision.
It is hard to credit that China would approve a herbicide as safe to use and consume as residues in food over the long term on the basis of toxicity tests lasting just a few days.
Meanwhile in Europe, Tony Tweedale, a Brussels-based advisor to NGOs on toxicity and risk assessment issues, asked the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to disclose the two key chronic toxicity studies on glyphosate that the German regulatory agencies relied upon to set the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of the chemical. Germany is the “rapporteur” member state for glyphosate’s renewed market approval in Europe. Based on these studies, Germany had recommended revising the ADI upwards from 0.3 mg to 0.5 mg per kg of bodyweight per day.
This means regulators are allowing more exposure for you and me.
Presumably, these must be very reassuring studies, since they are claimed to show that glyphosate is safe in long-term exposures. Yet both the German government regulatory agencies (Germany is the “rapporteur” member state for glyphosate) and EFSA have refused Tweedale’s requests to release the studies, on the grounds that they are commercially confidential information.
Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe previously asked the German regulatory agencies to release the full range of long-term toxicity studies on glyphosate. They refused, again for reasons of commercial confidentiality.
However, a 2013 ruling at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg could throw a spanner into the works of this cosy industry/regulator nexus. The case was brought by PAN Europe and Greenpeace Netherlands against the European Commission after it refused to disclose industry information on the exact composition of glyphosate, including impurities and additives. Referring to the Aarhus Convention on access to environmental information, the Court ruled that any document containing information about emissions to the environment must be released without any restriction.
Tweedale commented on the ruling: “Presumably it covers industry’s toxicity studies, with which chronic risk is always assessed. But neither Germany or EFSA (so far) will release these key studies in the case of glyphosate.”
Tweedale has appealed to EFSA to reverse its original decision, citing the European Court of Justice ruling, and awaits its response.
What are they hiding?
Such official stonewalling raises the question of what could be in these industry studies that that public is not allowed to see. It’s an obvious assumption that industry has plenty to hide, but maybe the regulators do, too.
In 2011 Earth Open Source published a report called “Roundup and birth defects: Is the public being kept in the dark?”
The report found that industry’s own studies conducted in the 1980s and 1990s showed that glyphosate causes birth defects in experimental animals. While the industry studies themselves are held by the German government and remain secret, the Earth Open Source authors examined Germany’s summary report on the studies, which is in the public domain. This report was submitted to the EU Commission and led to glyphosate’s European approval in 2002.
The Earth Open Source authors were surprised to find that the German regulator consistently dismissed evidence of birth defects using unscientific reasoning. For example, the German regulator introduced irrelevant “historical control data” to dilute out the malformations seen in exposed groups of animals, enabling a false conclusion of no effect from glyphosate exposure. It also creatively redefined a known skeletal malformation as “rather a developmental variation than a malformation” (page 15).
This appears to be a case of the German regulator minimizing harm made explicit even in industry’s own tests. If the German government or EFSA were to release the industry studies, independent academic scientists could reanalyze the data and form their own conclusions about the safety of glyphosate. Given the past failures of risk assessment, these could well be at odds with the conclusions of the German regulator, which form the basis of the current regulatory approval of glyphosate. In fact, not just the results, but also the details of the methodology of the industry tests should be made public, since data are only as strong as the methods used to derive them.
There is another reason why regulatory agencies may not want industry studies underlying risky product authorisations to be made public. That reason is identified by former US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staffer Evaggelos Vallianatos in his recent book, Poison Spring (Bloomsbury, 2014). Vallianatos quotes the EPA scientist Adrian Gross as saying that his colleagues long ago gave up actively reviewing industry studies in a way that would allow them to identify problems with the data or interpretation. “Instead,” Gross said, the EPA toxicologists “go straight to the company’s summary and lift it word for word and give it as their own evaluation of those studies.”
It would be interesting to see if the German agencies’ reassuring interpretation of the glyphosate toxicity data represents their own analysis, or is lifted straight from Monsanto’s own summaries. If the latter, then the pretense that any kind of regulatory oversight of glyphosate has occurred is illusory. What has gone on under the name of regulation would be revealed as nothing more than Monsanto announcing that its own products are safe.
Most of the independent consultants to ancillary businesses associated with the early RoundUp GMO releases found consistent, and numerous, defects in livestock fed GMO grains; corn and soya.
The unofficial industry response was that those defects would result in those animals not being further bred, if they were sexually development impaired they would not reproduce and if there were known, seen defects those animals would not be bred.
The unofficial response to early defects in livestock animals fed GMO corn & soya was: “Tolerance will be bred-in by elimination of those bred-lines that are not tolerant of glyphosate.”
It would seem that this approach to livestock tolerance is being used on humans as well.
Of course, since glyphosate-drenched corn and soy is fed to cattle and pets, birth defects have been skyrocketing.
Seralini has masterfully demonstrated, however, that male rats given Roundup (glyphosate and inerts) at about the dose coming out of a sprayer fared better than rats given ordinary water.
The discussion has ended. Roundup among 80000 industrial chemicals is murderous. So, since all the evidence has been compiled over and over so that we are drowning in it, what is being done in the real world to stop it? Why can’t a commoner go up against the fascist state and win? Even so, if we are impotent, we don’t need any more studies, any more articles, any more proof that among other agricultural chemical poisons the GMO’s are murdering us and it is being done intentionally.You don’t mention that glaring fact, writer. It is Jimmy Jones syndrome enmasse. It is your duty to eat poison and die for the strength of the fatherland or is it motherland?
It’s all really so unbelievable that you have to wonder if humans, as a race, even deserve to survive. But we do and that’s why all of this ridiculous situation has to continue to be challenged until the full truth is unquestionably revealed and our governments take effective actions to stop the craziness!
The governments are not going to take effective action, they are bought. It is up to the commoner to do the work. How? Don’t buy what they’re selling.