The Great Glyphosate Rebellion by European Union member states is set to continue with the support of civil society groups all over Europe, after the European Commission delayed their expected decision to re-license the World’s most used herbicide for 10 years.

An EU Commission spokesperson, speaking to EURACTIV, insisted that Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis only shared an information note Tuesday with the College of Commissioners, not a formal proposal.
“On the basis of the information note, the College agreed to the approach of restarting the discussions with member states about the possible renewal of approval of glyphosate for 10 years,” said Anca Paduraru, EU Commission spokesperson for Health, Food Safety and Energy Union.
Sustainable Pulse Director Henry Rowlands stated Wednesday: “This move by the European Commission shows that they do not have the support of the EU member states to re-license glyphosate for 10 years. The Great Glyphosate Rebellion continues and will continue until the use of glyphosate is phased out and alternative non-toxic methods of weed control for farmers are given serious EU funding.”
Glyphosate Residue Free Certification
Glyphosate in Popular American Foods
“Glyphosate is not a routine case,” Paduraru told EURACTIV. “10 years is a starting point for debate and then it’s up to the member states to decide,” she said.
Paduraru added that the Commission would work with the member states to find a solution that enjoys the “largest possible support” and ensures a high level of protection of human health and the environment, based on available scientific data.
“The approval of glyphosate-based Plant Protection Products (PPPs, e.g. pesticides), as well as their conditions of use, remain the responsibility of member states,” she noted, adding that the last year’s decision, which recommended member states apply stricter conditions of use on glyphosate-based products, remains in place.
In June 2016 a European Commission proposal for a temporary license extension of 18 months failed to receive support from the European Union members states.
No need for any herbicides, pesticides nor funghisides at all not even for farmers.
Change agro-industry into sustainable farming based on healthy soil a d a healthy planet. Tuis eBay farming is all about.
Agro industry could be moves to vertical indoor cultivation in closed circuits?
Homoeconomicus might better head for Mars .. (Sorry marsmen, just kidding)