Infomatic Films Releases GMO A Go Go! – Watch It Here

Posted on Jan 31 2013 - 8:16pm by Sustainable Pulse

As more and more research emerges about the unparalleled dangers to planet Earth posed by genetically modified crops (GMOs), the team at Infomatic Films have labored for the past year to create a sumptuous feast of facts, in an easily digestible animated format. Result? “GMO A Go Go!”

In 2010 Writer/Producer Kirk Rutter sent out a call for help to make animated short films – in the friendly style of a 1950’s American informational cartoon – that would deal with vital, essential topics still stubbornly ignored – or labeled as “lunatic fringe” or “conspiracy theory” – by the ever-dwindling Mainstream Media.

Universe responded fulsomely and Paul Davies – Artist and Animator Supreme – and Paul Birchard – Voiceover Actor – joined Kirk Rutter to collaborate on a series of delightfully delicious – and INFORMATIVE – short cartoons: “Meet Your Strawman!”, “The Disclosure!” and now: “GMO A Go Go!”

You may not agree with all the points in “GMO A Go Go!”, but the two main concerns are de facto Human testing and the destruction of natural bio-diversity.

“One of the lines taken by Bio-techs is ‘Well, people have been eating GMO for years.’

“So where are we now? Obesity epidemic, diabetes epidemic, cancer rates skyrocketing. Could these be influenced in some way by the recent Genetic engineering of our food? Should we have more testing? Or is there enough evidence of harmfulness to ban GMOs altogether?

“Lastly, what happens when natural crops are replaced by GM crops? Food will no longer be owned by the people of the Earth, as Nature intended. Mother Nature wants us to grow our own food in partnership with her boundless ingenuity and abundant generosity.

When it’s GMO A Go Go! all the food we eat – not to mention all insects, birds and natural wildlife – could be reduced to nothing more than the bottom line of megalomaniacal multinational corporations, blinded by greed and an unnatural desire to control and exploit .”

Special Thanks go to Robert Kubiki who provided Sound FX and Mixing, wonderfully combined with the Music of the great people at giving “GMO A Go Go!” an audio soundscape that brings alive the happier, more innocent times of the 1950’s right here in our own dramatically dystopian era!

Check Out: Infomatic Films



About the Author

Sustainable Pulse provides the general public with the latest global news on GMOs, Sustainable Food and Sustainable Agriculture from our network of worldwide sources.

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