WHO Glyphosate Report Ends Thirty Year Cancer Cover Up

Posted on Mar 26 2015 - 7:49pm by Sustainable Pulse

Following on from last week’s Word Health Organization (WHO) report on glyphosate, which confirmed the world’s most used herbicide probably causes cancer, Sustainable Pulse has discovered documents from 1991 that show how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) themselves were fully aware of glyphosate’s carcinogenic potential.

GMO Crops

On February 11, 1985 the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate was first considered by an EPA panel, called the Toxicology Branch Ad Hoc Committee. The Committee, in a consensus review dated March 4, 1985, then classified glyphosate as a Class C Carcinogen. A Class C Carcinogen has  “Suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential” according to the EPA.

This Class C classification was changed by the EPA six years later to a Class E category which suggests “evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans”. Mysteriously this change in glyphosate’s classification occurred during the same period that Monsanto was developing its first Roundup-Ready (glyphosate-resistant) GM Crops.

It is now 2015 and WHO has put glyphosate’s cancer causing ability back in the spotlight. The question is who is to blame for this shocking lack of protection for public health? The answer is the U.S. government, who have pushed glyphosate around the World as part of their campaign to support the U.S. biotech industry in their attempt to dominate global agriculture.

The thirty-year glyphosate cancer cover up will go down in history as yet another failure, by the U.S. government, the EPA and worldwide regulators, to put the health of the general public before the need to protect and expand company profits.

About the Author

Sustainable Pulse provides the general public with the latest global news on GMOs, Sustainable Food and Sustainable Agriculture from our network of worldwide sources.

16 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Brian John March 26, 2015 at 22:09 - Reply

    This gets even more interesting — as of today, the American Cancer Society has also listed glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” It’s on the list. So it has accepted the evidence assembled by the WHO Panel. This will be another massive blow for Monsanto — if you have any Monsanto shares (unlikely, I suppose), sell them immediately.

  2. Jason March 27, 2015 at 00:44 - Reply

    So where do we sign up for the class action lawsuit?

    • nicole March 29, 2015 at 01:17 - Reply

      Agreed. Show them they can’t lie to Americans anymore!

  3. Russ March 27, 2015 at 14:06 - Reply

    Thanks Brian. From time to time over the past few years I’ve gone to the ACS site and searched for “glyphosate”, most recently a few days ago after the IACR’s announcement. Always got “No results”, an eloquent testimony. Glad to hear the ACS feels it can’t participate in the coverup any longer.

  4. Nancy Swanson March 28, 2015 at 16:59 - Reply

    According to the 1991 EPA memo, the EPA KNEW in 1985 that glyphosate causes pancreatic, thyroid and kidney tumors. Monsanto explained it away because the incidence of tumors was not dose-dependent, there were often more tumors in the mid-dose groups than the high-dose group. Since they insist that the response must be dose-dependent (linearly increasing with increasing dosage), then they argue that the presence of the tumors, while being statistically significant compared to controls, cannot be related to the test substance (glyphosate).

    We have been arguing for years that the response to poisons is not linear, particularly for endocrine disrupting chemicals.

    The correlations between glyphosate applications to corn and soy crops in the US and the incidence of:
    pancreatic cancer: 0.918
    kidney cancer: 0.973
    thyroid cancer: 0.988

  5. dn March 31, 2015 at 20:29 - Reply

    All these alphabet agencies work together to destroy humanity. You must get your poisons, it’s part of the masters depopulation agenda. This is much more darker than company profits. They want you sick and relying on pharma drugs, then cancer $$$$ and sterilization. The largest foundations in the world fund eugenics programs.

  6. Rosemary Mason April 2, 2015 at 11:43 - Reply

    Farmers in Britain have been spraying pre-harvest glyphosate since 1980, as a result of advice from ADAS (at that time the science and advisory branch of MAFF, but now privatised.) The original paper was by MG O’Keeffe and presented at a Crop Protection Conference, never published in a peer-reviewed journal. He was a Monsanto scientist, but not declared. By 1985, ADAS was advocating the use of glyphosate on grassland. They declared it to be good practice graze the grass or preserve it as hay of silage after treatment. The main author of the paper was another Monsanto scientist, Colin D Stride, who later joined Exponent, a firm that provides services for industry, governments and for EU Regulatory bodies.

  7. Jo Trott April 2, 2015 at 21:03 - Reply

    Please sign my petition to ban the use of glyphosate(Roundup) in the United States!


  8. barry hayes April 3, 2015 at 01:03 - Reply

    As one of those independent researchers who has identified the cause and pathway to solution of the weed problem I can verify that funding for production is almost impossible to obtain.

  9. windsun33 May 31, 2015 at 00:52 - Reply

    Why does your picture show what is apparently wheat, when glyphosate is not used on wheat? (mainly because it would kill it).

  10. Robin Gaura June 7, 2015 at 22:13 - Reply

    Actually, glyphosate is sprayed on wheat right before harvest. It is used as a desiccant, to kill and dry the plant, and to evenly ripen the grain for easy harvest. Wheat, and 180 crops in the US, including sugar beets, grains, etc. are all being contaminated by glyphosate in this way.

  11. Dot September 19, 2015 at 21:08 - Reply

    Check out mcdivittlaw.com. They are reaching out to anyone who has been exposed to Monsanto’s Roundup and been diagnosed with any of the following: Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Soft Tissue Sarcoma, and Multiple Myeloma.

  12. Pamela Beck October 11, 2015 at 10:50 - Reply


  13. Linda Robertson February 12, 2016 at 21:45 - Reply


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