Glyphosate Residues Discovered in Almond Milk, Bread and Veggie Burgers

Posted on Feb 16 2018 - 1:22am by Sustainable Pulse

New laboratory testing commissioned by Moms Across America has shown the presence of the world’s most used herbicide – glyphosate – in almond milk, vegetarian burgers, bread and Skippy’s “100% Natural” peanut butter and Lipton’s “100% Natural” Mint and Green tea.

The new round of testing follows on from similar testing commissioned by Moms Across America on popular U.S. orange juice brands in 2017, which showed levels of between 4.3 ppb and 26.05 ppb of glyphosate in brands such as Tropicana and Minute Maid.

The new batch testing results showed that conventional almond milk contained glyphosate at a level of 0.87 ppb and certified organic almond milk contained 0.07 ppb. The batch bread testing showed a range of glyphosate residues from 6.47 ppb to 140 ppb. Conventional veggie burgers batch testing revealed 52.20 ppb of glyphosate. Certified organic veggie burgers contained 3.27 ppb.

“100% Natural” Skippy peanut butter was found to contain 11.71 ppb of glyphosate residue and “100% Natural” Lipton Tea was found to contain 108.90 ppb and Lipton’s “100% Natural” Green Tea contained 208.29 ppb.


New: Hair Testing – Find Out Your Long-Term Exposure to Pesticides

Test Yourself for Glyphosate and Join New Glyphosate Biobank

Glyphosate Residue Free Certification

1o Things You Need to Know about Glyphosate

In November Moms Across America, led by Founder Zen Honeycutt, announced a nationwide campaign to ban glyphosate herbicides in all fifty states in the U.S.

All 50 state governors are being petitioned by moms and supporters through and local state residents from each state are launching a mail-in campaign today requesting meetings with their governors.

Honeycutt stated, “Now is the time. Our country is in an unaffordable and tragic public health crisis. Toxic chemicals have been shown to contribute to or cause many of these health issues, especially for our children.  It’s time for our states to take actions that our EPA is not willing to take. They can, must and we believe, will protect our citizens from irreparable harm. It’s just a matter of which state will be the first to ban glyphosate?”

About the Author

Sustainable Pulse provides the general public with the latest global news on GMOs, Sustainable Food and Sustainable Agriculture from our network of worldwide sources.

1 Comment so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Bill Eugenicist Gates February 21, 2018 at 21:36 - Reply & Zen Honeycutt are my HERO’s.

    Revealing the CORRUPTION & Conflicts of Interest our Alphabet SHILL Federal Regulators operate under, disgraceful behavior and in complete Violation of their Mandates, as well as the Scientific Method.

    Moms are doing the JOB of our Federal Regulators, which means we no longer require their LYING arses any longer, YOUR FIRED EPA, FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, etc. This is your notice, “HIt the Bricks”, yah POS!

    Momsacrossamerica tested VACCINES, which 100% contained the TOXIN Round-Up/Glyphosate as well. Glyphosate is CA Prop 65 & WHO/IARS Group 2A “Probable Carcinogen to Human” labeled, i.e. the “Black Label Skulls & BONES” needs to accompany EVERY Vaccine now & apparently most of the food on our grocery store shelves. This is NOT an ACCIDENT Folks, but INTENTIONAL POISONING of the US Population & Our CHILDREN. When the results were sent to Congress, Senate, FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS. EPA, WHO…they ALL IGNORED the Scientific Data!!! (just like Dr. William Thompson Testimony was IGNORED a TOP CDC
    Scientists WHISTLEBLOWER)

    It’s US against Them (the Remorseless Psychopaths & Fraudulent Scientists)
    Either, you’r with the People or the Psychopaths in Washington, real simple Folks.

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