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“We Must Face the harm caused by imported GM soybeans to 1.3 billion Chinese people” by Mi Zhen-yu was published by the “Science & Technology Abstracts Newspaper” on April 25, 2014. This newspaper, under the leadership of the Ministry of Science & Technology of China, was established...

GeneWatch UK today released a dossier of correspondence and meetings between the UK Government and the GM industry, obtained through a series of Freedom...

The Chinese ‘Science & Technology Abstracts Newspaper’ under the leadership of China’s State Science & Technology Ministry has...

Today, representatives of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and March Against Monsanto San Antonio (MAMSA) staged a protest at the National Organic...

Germany’s Bavaria region has become the 62nd GMO Free farming area in Europe. The Munich-based Bavarian Environment Minister Dr. Marcel Huber, signed...

UK environment secretary Owen Paterson’s has failed to represent Scotland after admitting breaching an agreement to make Scotland’s opposition to...

A regional court in Italy has upheld the country’s national ban on the planting of Monsanto’s MON810 corn. The ruling cites the precautionary...

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) have called on U.S. regulatory agencies, including the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental...

Sustainable Pulse Exclusive Interview with member of the Hawaiian SHAKA Movement, Mark Sheehan, Ph.D. The SHAKA Movement is an advocacy, communications...

GeneWatch UK today made an official complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) about missing and redacted documents showing the GM industry’s...