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Monsanto have requested the removal of an Appeals Court Judge in Mexico, who ruled against them in the ongoing legal battle on the prohibition of GM Maize in the country. On February 28th, Monsanto made an official request for the removal of Judge Jaime Manuel Marroquin Zaleta from the court case that has...

Pilot study shows build-up of glyphosate herbicide in Mothers’ bodiesUrine testing shows glyphosate levels over 10 times higher than in EuropeInitial...

From the end of 2015 onward the sale of Glyphosate -based herbicides to private persons, including the World’s number one herbicide ‘Roundup’,...

Hainan Island has destroyed genetically modified corn and cotton crops which were planted in illegal trials in 2013, reported on Monday. Source: The...

Russia must protect its citizens from the use of foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and this can be done in compliance with the...

The Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutor in the Federal District has requested the Justice Department to suspend the use of glyphosate – the most...

Exclusive Sustainable Pulse Interview with Dr Channa Sudath Jayasumana, Lecturer of Pharmacology at Faculty of Medicine, Rajarata University in Anuradhapura. Dr...

In a historic resolution, the Second District Court of the state of Campeche, Mexico granted legal protection to the Mayan communities Pac-Chen and Cancabchen...

Mexico is one of the most extraordinary places on Earth when it comes to agricultural biodiversity, with the majority of the country being globally recognized...

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) of South Africa has today ordered Monsanto to withdraw its advertisement on Radio 702 with immediate effect,...