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A Mexican judge has thrown out the appeals of Mexico’s SEMARNAT (Environment and Natural Resources Ministry), and Monsanto, who were attempting to overturn a September court ruling that banned the planting of GM maize in Mexico. Rene Sanchez Galindo, the attorney for the group Acción Colectiva, revealed...

GM crops in Brazil have brought higher agrochemical use and lower yields and productivity, according to a new report based on government data. In the new...

This Sunday in Haleiwa, Hawaii, over a thousand people are expected for The Aloha Aina March: Collaboration for a Better Tomorrow to raise awareness and...

Europe’s second-highest court on Friday overturned a decision by the European Commission to allow the cultivation and sale of a genetically modified...

Hawaii has long been described as GMO Ground Zero, with biotech giants flocking to the paradise islands for the open air testing of their potentially dangerous...

Corn hybrid trials in Illinois have been harvested, and results are showing Non-GMO corn hybrids performing as well or better than GMO corn hybrids. Spectrum...

The UK Government has confirmed that it will support Monsanto in a European court case brought by European civil society groups. In a written Parliamentary...

Request by 250 Indian scientists to the Indian PM to accept the Final Report submitted by the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC)...

Today Testbiotech published the first global overview showing how genetically engineered plants (GM crops) such as maize, rice, cotton, oilseed rape, bentgrass...

Large Ukrainian agricultural associations have prepared draft amendments to the law on the state biosecurity system in creating, testing, transportation...