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The European Commission is seeking political backing to allow unrestricted use of controversial weedkiller glyphosate by labeling the decision as temporary, warned Greenpeace. The Commission has scheduled a vote on an “extension” of the glyphosate licence for Monday 6 June. The Commission’s plan ignores...

A decision on whether or not to re-approve the controversial toxic substance glyphosate for use in Europe was postponed Thursday for the second time, following...

A new National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report “Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects” released today...

According to a statement last week by Beijing Food Safety Volunteers the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture has confirmed to them that Monsanto’s RR2 Xtend...

Leading members of the European Parliament said Wednesday that they considered the European Commission’s plan to re-license glyphosate for 10 years...

The European Commission has shelved a legal opinion confirming that a new breed of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) must undergo rigorous safety testing...

This European Parliament vote on Wednesday that supported a new 7 year approval for the World’s most used herbicide glyphosate, did in fact have...

The European Parliament agreed Wednesday to a new 7-year authorization until 2023 for the controversial herbicide glyphosate, against the 15-year re-authorization...

A large group of Chinese experts and citizens have joined together to sign a protest letter against ChemChina’s acquisition of the Swiss pesticide...

Reuters reported Friday that France’s health and safety agency (ANSES) has decided to ban weedkillers that combine chemicals glyphosate and the...