You Are Browsing ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ Category

In a shocking move the government of El Salvador in Central America has banned the use of Glyphosate (Roundup) and 52 other dangerous chemicals a recent press release by the El Salvador Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources made clear. With 45 votes in favor, members of the FMLN, Unidos por El salvador...

Testbiotech has published a global overview of countries where there has been an uncontrolled spread of GM oilseed rape (canola). The countries include...

Seed diversity around the world comes from the work and research of peasant farmers over the centuries, saving seeds, and selecting those varieties that...

A new study by scientists in Europe has revealed that Glyphosate (Roundup) is toxic to the normal metabolism of dairy cows. In the new paper titled ‘Field...

GeneWatch UK today called for a moratorium on proposed releases of genetically modified (GM) fruit flies and other agricultural pests into the environment,...

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has quietly approved the first of a new generation of GE crops resistant to more toxic herbicides.  The first crop...

The first independent project for identifying whether Russian farmers are growing illegal GM crops has started in the Belgorod region. In August 2013 in...

Biotech giant Monsanto has officially withdrawn four requests for GMO cultivation in the EU, following its announcement last month that it would no longer...

As part of the ongoing review of 2,4-D, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has today cancelled the registration of 11...

Scientists Under Attack is a 60 minute, award winning film about GMOs and the need for the independence of science. Nearly 95% of genetic engineering...