You Are Browsing ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ Category

The Law of The Seed was released at Terra Futura, Florence, Italy.  The Law is put forward as a tool to be used by citizens everywhere and in every context to defend their seed freedom and seed sovereignty as well as to provide a practical guide to all future development of laws and policies on seed. Dr...

This week, Maine’s state senate easily passed a bill that may one day mandate the labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms. The...

People in 18 countries across Europe have been found to have traces of the weed killer glyphosate in their urine, show the results of tests commissioned...

A groundbreaking new study [1] shows that pigs were harmed by the consumption of feed containing genetically modified (GM) crops. Press release from Sustainable...

GMO Evidence has released a new resource showing the harm that GMOs and Roundup have caused in countries worldwide. Evidence of the harm caused by GMOs...

An alliance of 27 organisations, including the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union, Neil’s Yard Remedies, the Real Bread Campaign and War on Want,...

Monday 3rd June update: Monsanto has told EU authorities how to detect the unapproved strain of genetically modified wheat found growing on a farm in Oregon,...

In a May 23d ruling, the EU Ombudsman stated that EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) failed to take adequate measures to prevent conflict of interests...

David Holmgren is the co-originator of permaculture and this was part of an interview conducted by Peter Charles Downey for United Natures, International...

Just months after a study was published showing that two Monsanto products, a genetically modified (GM) maize and Roundup herbicide, damaged the health...