You Are Browsing ‘Sustainable Food’ Category

Waitrose has announced Tuesday that their pork products will now start to be fed some non-GMO European soya from the Danube region, marking the possible beginning of the end of the last large-scale use of GM crops in the UK. This is the most significant move in the UK against the use of GM crops since 1999,...

Anresco Laboratories in San Francisco has launched unique low detection testing program for glyphosate residues in final food products and soil samples...

Food giant Nestlé announced Tuesday that they will grow their non-GMO range of products due to the growing demand from consumers, in a shock to the Biotech...

EU and US consumers have voiced their support for the regulation and labeling of products derived from new genetic modification techniques, in a resolution...

Three U.S. based non profit organizations filed a lawsuit against General Mills on Thursday for misleading the public by labeling their Nature Valley...

US President Barack Obama signed into law a GMO labeling bill that discriminates against more than 100 million Americans on Friday. The bill recently passed...

According to news agencies, the EU Commission has allowed the import of genetically engineered soybeans produced by Bayer and Monsanto. The imported soybeans...

Applegate, the leading natural and organic meat brand in the U.S., announced Wednesday its commitment to remove genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from...

By a unanimous vote of its Board of Directors, the U.S. organic farmer-controlled Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) has withdrawn its...

The U.S. Senate has supported a move to begin debate on the Roberts-Stabenow GMO labeling bill, also known as the new DARK Act, that would wipe out states’...