The largest rural movements in Brazil, representing well over a million farmers, are protesting a new Brazilian regulation that would allow release of...

Cornell University’s plans to release genetically modified (GM) moths in New York State ignore existing evidence of failure, which shows the GM pests...

A newly published peer-reviewed study from Brazil has found that even legal levels of glyphosate-based herbicides have an impact on a common freshwater...

The Brazilian Ministry of Justice has imposed fines on Nestle and five other food manufacturers after failing to inform the public over the use of GMOs. Source: The...

Monsanto’s Intacta RR2 PRO soybeans are outperformed by non-GM soybeans in the major soy-producing regions of Brazil, according to a new scientific study reported in...

After the WHO’s classification of glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen”, Brazil’s cancer institute has condemned GM crops for placing the country...

300 farmers have taken over the building where Brazil’s GMO regulator CTNBio was meeting Thursday to decide about whether to approve GE eucalyptus...

In a new report published today, GeneWatch UK publishes evidence that genetically modified (GM) insect factories could spread antibiotic resistant bacteria...

In an official letter Wednesday to Russian Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev, a group of top Russian experts including scientists, farmers and eco groups...

Brazilian scientists and members of social movements have appealed to Pope Francis to join forces with them in an attempt to persuade the Brazilian government...