GeneWatch UK today warned that planned experiments with genetically modified (GM) fruit flies in Brazil could lead to GM maggots in fruit being illegally...

The Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutor in the Federal District has requested the Justice Department to suspend the use of glyphosate – the most...

In an historic ruling on Thursday Brazil’s Federal Appeals Court has unanimously decided to cancel the release for cultivation of Bayer’s Liberty Link...

GM crops in Brazil have brought higher agrochemical use and lower yields and productivity, according to a new report based on government data. In the new...

UK company Oxitec has withdrawn its plans to release GM olive and fruit flies in Spain and Brazil following human and environmental health questions from...

A judge in Brazil has blocked Monsanto’s attempt to make farmers sign restrictive agreements before they can gain access to the company’s new...

Environmental and civil society groups on five continents warned Monday that plans to release non-native strains of genetically modified (GM) flies in...

GeneWatch UK today called for a moratorium on proposed releases of genetically modified (GM) fruit flies and other agricultural pests into the environment,...

In practice, the advantages of GMOs have been shown to be weak or even misleading in the US, Argentina and Canada. Naturally, the situation repeats itself...

In a new peer-reviewed paper published by an international team from New Zealand, Brazil and Australia in the prestigious journal Environment International,...