When is a genetically modified organism (GMO) not a GMO? This is the question that the ECJ will soon rule on after a complaint from a coalition of French...

The USDA has announced it won’t be regulating “new GM” products – but its statement is at odds with the scientific facts, according...

June’s European Parliament plenary saw five different votes related to GMOs. Altogether they give a good idea of the European Parliament’s very...

The Russian Government’s Commission on Legislative Activities has approved a bill introduced by the Ministry of Science and Education aimed at improving...

Patent EP1812575 held by Monsanto has been revoked by the European Patent Office (EPO) after the international coalition No Patents on Seeds! filed an...

Representatives of the international coalition No Patents on Seeds! from France, Germany and Spain have filed an opposition against a European patent held...

Seed diversity around the world comes from the work and research of peasant farmers over the centuries, saving seeds, and selecting those varieties that...

The breeding skills of three female orange-tailed skinks have impressed conservationists and given the new safety net population for their Critically Endangered...

Conservationists are launching the first European breeding programme for ploughshare tortoises in an attempt to create a vital safety net population of...