International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) senior scientist Kurt Straif has appeared live on Euronews Friday to state clearly that “glyphosate...

The Great Glyphosate Rebellion continues at full pace in Europe as a new European Commission proposal for a temporary license extension of 18 months...

The European Commission is seeking political backing to allow unrestricted use of controversial weedkiller glyphosate by labeling the decision as temporary,...

A large group of Chinese experts and citizens have joined together to sign a protest letter against ChemChina’s acquisition of the Swiss pesticide...

Research lead by a team from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand has found that commonly used herbicides, including the world’s most used herbicide...

A pesticide that the Parks Department sprayed onto public greenspaces more than 1,300 times last year may be associated with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and breast...

The tryptophan disaster in the end of the 1980′s and beginning of 1990′s killed 37 and permanently disabled 1,500 people in the United States in a...

Biotech giant Syngenta has been criminally charged with denying knowledge that its genetically modified (GM) Bt corn kills livestock during a civil court...