A $1.51 billion settlement has been reached in the nationwide class action lawsuit filed in Kansas federal court over Syngenta’s genetically...

Ten NGOs based in Europe have delivered an Open Letter to the Chinese Embassy in London, pleading with the Chinese people to take direct action to address...

Seed giant Syngenta faces billion-dollar class actions in three states, claiming China is rejecting U.S. corn shipments because Syngenta released a genetically...

Chinese GMO-free advocates are currently facing a struggle in Beijing to force the Chinese Agriculture Ministry to release the studies that led to the...

According to reports from Huazhong Agricultural University in China, an alleged illegal GM rice trial on the University students has led to an incidence...

The China Development Strategy Research Society Committee of Cultural Strategy organized a unique event in Beijing during the last week of July to discuss...

CCTV, China’s state broadcaster, has discovered genetically modified rice being sold in two southern provinces, the second such allegation it has...

On opposite sides of the globe, pesticide regulators are refusing to release to the public the key industry studies on glyphosate that underpin regulatory...

China each year imports a few dozen million tons of GM soybeans.  They are predominantly glyphosate-tolerant RR soybeans, processed in China mainly to...

The Chinese army has ordered all military supply stations to only allow the purchase of non-GMO grain and food oil due to health safety concerns over GMOs. This...