Hainan Island has destroyed genetically modified corn and cotton crops which were planted in illegal trials in 2013, hinews.cn reported on Monday. Source: www.ecns.cn The...

India’s Oil and Environment Minister Veerappa Moily’s approval of more than 200 GMO trials on wheat , rice, canola, cotton by companies such...

Close on the heels of transnational seed company Monsanto abandoning its programme for development of genetically modified (GM) crops in Europe last month,...

After several years of apparent short term success in Burkina Faso of Bt cotton in increasing yields, and improving profits of small scale cotton farmers,...

On May Day , 2013 Navdanya launched the campaign “No to GMO bananas” and the associated “creation myth” that Bill Gates and James Dale are imposing...

Fred Perlak, the Monsanto Vice President in Hawaii, has flatly denied that there have been 200 000 farmer suicides in India and also refused to comment...

Developing countries now grow more hectares of GM crops than industrialized countries, according to the biased Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM...

The latest study published by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook finds that the use of herbicides in the production of three...

Biotech giant Syngenta has been criminally charged with denying knowledge that its genetically modified (GM) Bt corn kills livestock during a civil court...

Commenting on research from China into Bt cotton Emma Hockridge, head of policy at the Soil Association, said: “Encouraging predator insects is crucial...