Iowa State University (ISU) researchers have attempted to use the current anti-Russian sentiment in the U.S. to attack the Russian media over their coverage...

A California court has halted a state program allowing pesticide spraying at schools, organic farms and backyards across California because of inadequate...

A French court suspended on Friday the license for two pesticides made by Dow Chemical, citing uncertainty over environmental risks including their effects...

In secret internal Monsanto documents released last week by legal firms in the U.S. it was revealed how Monsanto scientists admitted that they were aware...

U.S. Congressman Ted Lieu issued a strongly worded statement this week regarding reports that unsealed court documents raise new questions about the safety of...

The Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum has moved to court in a bid to stop the Kenyan government from lifting the  ban on genetically modified organisms...

The EU Commission is refusing to let independent experts have access to the report prepared by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) on...

The legal battles over the existing ban on the planting of GM maize in Mexico continue to unfold with a string of four important court victories by the...

The Fast Track High Court in Accra, Ghana sat on Tuesday for the second hearing of the GM crops case submitted by plaintiffs Food Sovereignty Ghana (FSG)...

A coalition of Maui and Moloka‘i residents, farmers, and public interest groups, represented by Center for Food Safety (CFS) and Earthjustice, today...