A regional court in Italy has upheld the country’s national ban on the planting of Monsanto’s MON810 corn. The ruling cites the precautionary...

Monsanto have requested the removal of an Appeals Court Judge in Mexico, who ruled against them in the ongoing legal battle on the prohibition of GM Maize...

Following a ban on the cultivation of GM Maize in Mexico in 2013, the Campeche region of the country has now prohibited the growing of  GM Soybeans following...

The GMO contamination of Steve Marsh’s organic farm in Western Australia has received worldwide attention over the past month under the hash tag...

France has launched a move to restore a ban on genetically modified (GMO) maize annulled by its top court to prevent sowings this spring that could raise...

Environmental groups want a court to decide if the federal government violated its own law by permitting the manufacture of genetically modified salmon...

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday upheld Monsanto’s biotech seed patents, dealing a blow to Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) who...

A Mexican judge has thrown out the appeals of Mexico’s SEMARNAT (Environment and Natural Resources Ministry), and Monsanto, who were attempting to overturn...

The UK Government has confirmed that it will support Monsanto in a European court case brought by European civil society groups. In a written Parliamentary...

François Hollande confirmed Friday an extension of the moratorium on the cultivation of Monsanto’s GM maize MON810, despite the cancellation yesterday...