The recent “public consultation” conducted by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) on the pesticide glyphosate has been slammed by the community...

Ahead of an important EU vote regarding the possible authorisation of GM Maize 1507 on February 11, meta-analysis has shown the data is insufficient to...

GeneWatch UK today called for a moratorium on proposed releases of genetically modified (GM) fruit flies and other agricultural pests into the environment,...

In a May 23d ruling, the EU Ombudsman stated that EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) failed to take adequate measures to prevent conflict of interests...

GM Freeze and the New York based Bioscience Resource Project have published a Q&A of key issues regarding the recent revelation that the majority of...

Monsanto has threatened to sue the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) over its publication of the data on the company’s NK603 GM maize. Claire...

A hidden viral gene, from cauliflower mosaic virus, has been discovered by EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) in GMO crops, which has caused shockwaves...

An influential European Parliamentary Committee has raised serious questions about the integrity of EFSA (the European Food Safety Agency) with regard...

Campaigners demonstrated this week outside a conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), held at its headquarters...