Environment and Public Health Committee MEPs have voted by a large majority (39 in favor, with 9 against, and 10 abstentions) for a ban on glyphosate in...

The European Parliament agreed Wednesday to a new 7-year authorization until 2023 for the controversial herbicide glyphosate, against the 15-year re-authorization...

The Committee on Environment, Food Safety & Public Health (ENVI) formally objected Tuesday to the re-authorization by the European Commission of the...

GeneWatch UK today made an official complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) about missing and redacted documents showing the GM industry’s...

UK Environment Secretary Owen Paterson, who has been widely criticised for his complacency in the face of the current flooding disaster, has now been slammed...

A recent New Zealand Environment Court decision has upheld the right for the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, in its Regional Policy statement, to place...

Environmental groups want a court to decide if the federal government violated its own law by permitting the manufacture of genetically modified salmon...

Monsanto is currently on a well hidden worldwide winter offensive with their main targets including India, China and Russia, as they aim to open up new...

Request by 250 Indian scientists to the Indian PM to accept the Final Report submitted by the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC)...

Cyprus environment commissioner Ioanna Panayiotou has launched a campaign for the country to ban genetically modified organisms. For full information...