Ignoring the legal requirement to examine threats to endangered species, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved Wednesday the use of the dangerously...

Three U.S. based non profit organizations filed a lawsuit against General Mills on Thursday for misleading the public by labeling their Nature Valley...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved nearly 100 pesticide products over the past six years that contain mixtures that make them more poisonous...

The amount of the herbicide atrazine that’s released into the environment in the United States is likely harming most species of plants and animals,...

A new National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report “Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects” released today...

A testimony to the US House Committee on Agriculture by the President of CropLife America, Jay Vroom, has caused outrage after he successfully pressured...

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology has launched an investigation into the ‘mistaken’ release of...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency missed its own deadlines for completing risk assessments in 2015 for atrazine, glyphosate and imidacloprid, three...

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), responding to litigation, has announced it is revoking the registration of “Enlist Duo.”  Approved by...

For the past 35 years Monsanto has known of the link between glyphosate and cancer, but has systematically worked to cover it up through scientifically...