Bulgaria stands categorically against the cultivation of GMO Maize in Europe. After lengthy debates in the European institutions regarding the cultivation...

Representatives of the international coalition No Patents on Seeds! from France, Germany and Spain have filed an opposition against a European patent held...

A new GM law being discussed in Brussels this week could grant biotech companies, like Monsanto and Syngenta, unprecedented power over decisions on whether...

Germany’s Bavaria region has become the 62nd GMO Free farming area in Europe. The Munich-based Bavarian Environment Minister Dr. Marcel Huber, signed...

UK environment secretary Owen Paterson’s has failed to represent Scotland after admitting breaching an agreement to make Scotland’s opposition to...

France’s agriculture ministry on Saturday banned the sale, use and cultivation of Monsanto’s MON 810 genetically modified maize, the only variety...

The EU has failed to act on behalf of the vast majority of its country members on Tuesday and has left the door open for the now expected approval of the...

Ahead of an important EU vote regarding the possible authorisation of GM Maize 1507 on February 11, meta-analysis has shown the data is insufficient to...

France has launched a move to restore a ban on genetically modified (GMO) maize annulled by its top court to prevent sowings this spring that could raise...

Testbiotech, GeneWatch UK and the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, have today published a detailed report on the herbicide 2,4-D. They warn that...