Biotech giant Monsanto has officially withdrawn four requests for GMO cultivation in the EU, following its announcement last month that it would no longer...

Although there are widespread objections in the European Union against genetically modified food, Monsanto wants to introduce a new, highly controversial...

Monday 3rd June update: Monsanto has told EU authorities how to detect the unapproved strain of genetically modified wheat found growing on a farm in Oregon,...

In a May 23d ruling, the EU Ombudsman stated that EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) failed to take adequate measures to prevent conflict of interests...

Part 1 of these series of articles dealt with the background of the ongoing GM rice scandal in Turkey and included the results of Istanbul Technical...

The UK Soil Association has welcomed today’s decision by the EU to suspend the use of the three neonicotinoid pesticides (clothianidin, thiametoxam and...

Sustainable Pulse interview with Soil Association Head of Policy, Emma Hockridge. The Soil Association campaign Keep Britain Buzzing has received support...

The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), the Society for Ecological Research, the foundation Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung...

In light of recent studies, researchers are accusing Brussels of being too slow to reassess the herbicide’s toxicity.Roundup and glyphosate, its active...

An EU-US free trade deal is set to destroy EU safeguards for health and the environment with regard to GM crops and GM foods.The proposed deal claims...