The European Union Appeals Committee has failed to reach agreement over the re-licensing of the World’s most used herbicide, glyphosate, with France...

The Great Glyphosate Rebellion continues at full pace in Europe as a new European Commission proposal for a temporary license extension of 18 months...

Trade unions across Europe have joined the Great Glyphosate Rebellion by urging the European Union to take precautionary action on the use of glyphosate,...

A decision on whether or not to re-approve the controversial toxic substance glyphosate for use in Europe was postponed Thursday for the second time, following...

Leading members of the European Parliament said Wednesday that they considered the European Commission’s plan to re-license glyphosate for 10 years...

Following a discussion Tuesday with Vytenis Andriukaitis, the Commissioner for health and food safety, Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament...

The European Parliament agreed Wednesday to a new 7-year authorization until 2023 for the controversial herbicide glyphosate, against the 15-year re-authorization...

The Committee on Environment, Food Safety & Public Health (ENVI) formally objected Tuesday to the re-authorization by the European Commission of the...

Six environmental NGOs (Global 2000, PAN Europe, PAN UK, Generations Futures, Nature et Progrès Belgique and Wemove.EU) from five European countries filed...

The European Commission is proposing the re-approval of the controversial active ingredient glyphosate, which is used as a herbicide among other applications,...