The EU Commission should not authorize the use of glyphosate-tolerant GM soybeans in food and feed, said the European Parliament on Wednesday. MEPs noted...

EFSA and the EU Member States have finalised the re-assessment of glyphosate, a chemical that is used widely in pesticides. The report concludes that...

A draft EU law that would enable any member state to restrict or prohibit the sale and use of EU-approved GMO food or feed on its territory was opposed...

Welsh Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans has announced she intends to take advantage of new EU rules allowing countries to opt out of...

The Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Food has confirmed that Bulgaria will keep its clean and green image through extending its ban on GM crops under...

Austrian Health Minister Sabine Oberhauser and a number of Italian Ministries have confirmed that both countries are officially requesting an opt-out...

In a joint statement Thursday by the Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, Ségolène Royal, and the Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane...

A small majority of the European Parliament’s Environment and Public Health (ENVI) committee blocked Tuesday a proposal by the European United Left...

Growing genetically modified (GM) crops will not be permitted in Scotland, Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead has announced as he moved to protect...

New legislation to allow EU member states to restrict or ban the cultivation of crops containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on their own territory,...