American scientists recently found that RT and Sputnik outscored competitors from the US on the number of articles they publish on GMOs. The researchers...

The first comprehensive review of gaps in risk assessments for “adjuvants” – ingredients added to pesticide formulations to enhance the...

The Great Glyphosate Rebellion continued Thursday in the European Union, as EU member states refused to back the 5-year license renewal for glyphosate,...

MEPs at the European Parliament have clearly voted to ban the use of glyphosate in Europe, with a total of 355 votes being cast in the Plenary Session...

France and the European Union need independent scientific experts to guide them on divisive environmental issues such as pesticides, French President Emmanuel...

Russia has officially proposed clear GMO labeling on all food products that contain genetically modified ingredients in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC),...

Following the release of the report Glyphosate: Unsafe On Any Plate on November 14, which revealed alarming levels of the weedkiller glyphosate in popular...

The Detox Project announced Friday in New York that a new massive research project will be launched in January 2017 to study the effects of the world’s...

Portuguese farmers are turning their backs on Monsanto’s genetically modified MON810, which is the only GM crop commercially grown in the European...

The Great Glyphosate Rebellion continues at full pace in Europe as a new European Commission proposal for a temporary license extension of 18 months...