According to new research from University of Virginia in the U.S., widespread adoption of genetically modified (GM) crops has decreased the use of insecticides,...

U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has announced Friday that twenty two unapproved genetically modified...

Monsanto’s GM maize is no longer profitable or attractive for a good proportion of Spanish farmers, says a report for the Spanish news outlet Economia...

Environmental, food safety and organic farming organizations are demanding clear public information about a controversial plan to conduct an open air field...

Four Nebraska farmers have stated in a U.S. lawsuit that “despite Monsanto’s claim that its Roundup weed-killer is safe enough to drink”...

The U.S. leading yogurt producer Dannon has announced that it’s three flagship brands will be made from non-GMO ingredients and that the cows that...

Burkina Faso’s cotton association is seeking 48.3 billion CFA francs ($83.91 million) in compensation from U.S. seed company Monsanto after it said...

The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), in a new report published Monday titled, “For your own good!” The chicanery behind GM non-commercial ‘orphan...

Genetically modified corn and soybeans were supposed to reduce chemical use on farms, but instead they’ve done the exact opposite by creating herbicide-resistant...

On Thursday thirteen civil society organisations active in agriculture and environmental issues have officially alerted the European Commission that the...