The chief benefit claimed for GMO pesticidal Bt crops is that, unlike conventional pesticides, their toxicity is limited to a few insect species. A new...

U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has announced Friday that twenty two unapproved genetically modified...

China each year imports a few dozen million tons of GM soybeans.  They are predominantly glyphosate-tolerant RR soybeans, processed in China mainly to...

Center for Food Safety (CFS) today filed a lawsuit demanding the release of federal documents which may uncover undue political pressure over USDA’s...

Food & Water Europe today asked the UK Government to change its vocal but ill-founded pro-GM position in light of the evidence that GM and non-GM farming...

Answering the call for greater transparency and choices in the food system, California State Senator Noreen Evans (D – Santa Rosa) introduced a new bill...

The US Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) announced Thursday the formation of one of the largest ever food and biotech industry coalitions, in a...

More than 200 organizations and businesses called on President Barack Obama today to uphold his 2007 campaign pledge to require the labeling of genetically...

The Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference has advised the government to “hasten slowly” with the introduction of genetically modified foods to the...

A group of scientists and food security experts have taken the Russian Government resolution, which will allow the registration of GM crops and products...