Conflicts of interest have already plagued the newly released glyphosate risk assessment by the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR), as...

Leading members of the European Parliament said Wednesday that they considered the European Commission’s plan to re-license glyphosate for 10 years...

Genetically modified corn and soybeans were supposed to reduce chemical use on farms, but instead they’ve done the exact opposite by creating herbicide-resistant...

A number of towns and regions in Spain have agreed to ban glyphosate herbicides in public areas, according to Kistiñe Garcia of the Spanish NGO, Ecologistas...

One hundred groups representing over five million Nigerians, comprising of farmers, faith-based organisations, civil society groups, students and local...

The Detox Project is launching a revolution in food testing Wednesday, with low-detection LC/M/MS lab testing for the World’s most used herbicide, glyphosate,...

A Care2 petition, which was signed by over 90 000 people, has led to Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicide being removed from Waitrose stores across the UK,...

Three Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), representing the Greens/EFA Party, have made a Freedom of Information request to the European Food Safety...

The World Health Organization’s cancer agency IARC has published a clear Q&A on the probable carcinogen and World’s most used herbicide...

The Netherlands and Sweden have joined France on Saturday in coming out strongly against the re-licensing of glyphosate-based herbicides in Europe. The...