A key vote on Friday saw European nations oppose the European Commission’s proposal to authorize the first new GM crops for cultivation since 1998, but...

Financial conflicts of interest were found in 40 percent of published research articles on the genetically modified crops, also known as GMO crops, French...

Portuguese farmers are turning their backs on Monsanto’s genetically modified MON810, which is the only GM crop commercially grown in the European...

Sustainable Pulse would like to suggest that all of our readers educate themselves by reading this wonderful review, written by Claire Robinson of GM...

In a move that could help decide the future of GM crops in Africa, Burkina Faso has abandoned GM Bt cotton. The country has begun a complete phaseout of...

Today, the European Parliament dealt another blow to the Commission over GM crops, objecting to the import of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready™ Liberty Link™...

Greenpeace has filed a complaint with the European Ombudsman regarding the Commission’s failure to disclose policy options considered as part of its...

Following the recent green wave of genetically modified (GM) crop cultivation bans across the European Union, Sustainable Pulse decided to research which...

Lithuanian Agriculture Minister,  Virginija Baltraitienė, announced last week that the Baltic country has demanded an EU opt-out regarding the growing...

GeneWatch UK today responded to Rothamsted Research’s admission that its field trial of GM wheat failed to repel aphids by highlighting the shocking...