Moms Across America are speaking up about health concerns and Genetically Modified foods. Four Moms, Zen Honeycutt, Kathleen Hallal, Pamela London-Franck...

Environment and agriculture organisations have launched a new campaign today to prevent the further spread of genetically modified (GM) crops in Europe. The...

GM Freeze and the New York based Bioscience Resource Project have published a Q&A of key issues regarding the recent revelation that the majority of...

China has delayed the introduction of GM rice and GM corn (genetically modified rice and corn) as its government is struggling to convince the Chinese...

Mark Lynas has attracted considerable media attention by apologising for founding the anti-GM movement. But this background briefing from those in the...

Developing countries now grow more hectares of GM crops than industrialized countries, according to the biased Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM...

As more and more research emerges about the unparalleled dangers to planet Earth posed by genetically modified crops (GMOs), the team at Infomatic Films...

Twenty-two pieces of junk science from the Lynas Manifesto: By Dr Brian John Past Lecturer in Geography, University of Durham 6th January 2013 In a high-profile...

2012 was the year the lights came up on the biotech industry. Its claims, its tactics and its products all came under scrutiny and some of its biggest...

Monsanto has been put under huge pressure in Europe after a new scientific study was released in Germany last week showing its glyphosate based herbicide...