The Soil Association and other farming and ecological organizations have reacted violently against Defra Secretary of State, Owen Paterson’s recent interview...

Three officials who had approved and conducted a controversial test of genetically modified (GM) rice on school children in central China’s Hunan...

An influential European Parliamentary Committee has raised serious questions about the integrity of EFSA (the European Food Safety Agency) with regard...

GMWatch has revealed that there is evidence of corporate links to the orchestrated attacks on Gilles-Eric Seralini’s latest study that has led to...

Michael J. Fox, Julie Bown, Tom Colicchio, Emily VanCamp and Ziggy Marley have joined forces to speak out in favor of labeling genetically engineered...

The EU approval of glyphosate, the main ingredient of the herbicide Roundup, is based on bad science and a “don’t look, don’t see”...

GeneWatch UK and GM Freeze today released documents obtained as a result of a Freedom of Information request, which reveal that the GM companies Monsanto,...

The latest study published by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook finds that the use of herbicides in the production of three...

GMO Delete has a very simple plan: to gain support from around the world for deleting GMOs from our food and drink. Sign Our Petition Here After creating...

In a study published in “Food and Chemical Toxicology”, researchers led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini from CRIIGEN have found that rats fed on...