Testbiotech, GeneWatch UK and the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, have today published a detailed report on the herbicide 2,4-D. They warn that...

Following the announcement last week that 1200 litres of GM purple tomato juice is being sent to the UK from Canada for testing, before the GM tomatoes...

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is set to hold a virtual public meeting on January 29...

Environmental groups want a court to decide if the federal government violated its own law by permitting the manufacture of genetically modified salmon...

In a vote on Thursday the European Parliament (EP) has rejected what would be the EU’s second approved GM crop for cultivation – GM Maize 1507. The...

The EU Parliament endorsed draft rules defining pollen as a natural constituent of honey, rather than an ingredient, in a vote on Wednesday. This means...

Egyptian researchers have found that Bt corn is not substantially equivalent to non-GM parent and was toxic to rats, even after only 91 days of feeding. These...

Local Malvinas citizens and GMO Free campaigners from across Argentina celebrated Wednesday after the Chamber of Labour ordered the construction of Monsanto’s...

In a victory for the GMO Free movement in Australia the Tasmanian Government announced Thursday that it has extended the state’s ban on genetically...

Sudanese authorities have seized a shipment of genetically modified (GM) soybeans at Port Sudan harbour, stating that it is currently ‘illegal’...