The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), the Society for Ecological Research, the foundation Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung...

Civil society groups from South Africa, Latin America- especially Brazil, Argentina- and the United States are deeply disturbed by the recent decision...

Environment and agriculture organisations have launched a new campaign today to prevent the further spread of genetically modified (GM) crops in Europe. The...

GM Freeze and the New York based Bioscience Resource Project have published a Q&A of key issues regarding the recent revelation that the majority of...

Monsanto has threatened to sue the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) over its publication of the data on the company’s NK603 GM maize. Claire...

China has delayed the introduction of GM rice and GM corn (genetically modified rice and corn) as its government is struggling to convince the Chinese...

Mark Lynas has attracted considerable media attention by apologising for founding the anti-GM movement. But this background briefing from those in the...

Fred Perlak, the Monsanto Vice President in Hawaii, has flatly denied that there have been 200 000 farmer suicides in India and also refused to comment...

This video is the 1st time in the world that a TV campaign with approx 6 million views will expose the Seralini 2012 research to the mass public in an...

Developing countries now grow more hectares of GM crops than industrialized countries, according to the biased Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM...