The Connecticut Senate has voted 35-1 to approve gmo labeling late Tuesday, with the only dissenting vote coming from state Sen. Rob Kane, R-Watertown. “This...

The Vermont House of Representatives has approved the H.112 GMO labeling bill by a vote of 99 – 42. The final vote followed Thursday’s first...

Today the GMO labeling bill H.112 requiring labeling of food products containing genetically modified organisms was passed by the Vermont House Judiciary...

Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) and Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR)  introduced the Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act on April 24 2013; legislation...

Interview with Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini for GMO Seralini . The full interview can be watched on GMO Seralini. What is your view on the current GMO...

Leslie Stoddard, the Co-Founder of GMO Free Idaho, is placing her unique summaries of the GMO fight in the US, live here on Sustainable Pulse starting...

Sustainable Pulse Interview with the Founding Head of Occupy Monsanto, Fritz G. Kreiss, on GMOs, Monsanto and much more besides. Occupy Monsanto sprung...

Hawaii and Vermont are one step closer to becoming the first states in the US to introduce GMO labeling following historic House votes over the past 5...

Environmental Working Group and Organic Voices will collaborate to highlight the benefits of organic food and advance the fight for labeling food that...

Colarado’s House of Representatives member, Jared Polis, has announced that he is introducing a federal GMO labeling bill in Congress to mandate...