The new German government will aim to end the use of glyphosate herbicides “as fast as possible”, according to the draft deal to establish...

Sources in the German Social Democrats (SPD) party have informed Sustainable Pulse on Thursday that the reduction in the use of glyphosate herbicides...

Sustainable Pulse has been made aware of a letter sent on December 19 by the Ministers of Environment or Agriculture of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovenia,...

An initial round of votes Wednesday on the proposed 10 year re-license for glyphosate by European Union (EU) member states has failed to reach a majority...

A key vote on Friday saw European nations oppose the European Commission’s proposal to authorize the first new GM crops for cultivation since 1998, but...

The European Union Appeals Committee has failed to reach agreement over the re-licensing of the World’s most used herbicide, glyphosate, with France...

In a joint statement Thursday by the Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, Ségolène Royal, and the Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane...