The Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum has moved to court in a bid to stop the Kenyan government from lifting the  ban on genetically modified organisms...

The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) has welcomed the recent decision made by the Minister of Agriculture, Water Affairs and Fisheries and an Appeal...

A small majority of the European Parliament’s Environment and Public Health (ENVI) committee blocked Tuesday a proposal by the European United Left...

A federal judge in Argentina has ruled that an unprecedented class action lawsuit, demanding a ban on the release of GMOs and their associated pesticides,...

A never-before-seen draft environmental review of AquaBounty Technologies’ (ABTX) genetically engineered (GE) salmon reveals that Canadian government...

March Against Monsanto: May 23 2015 will go down in history as the fourth time people from across the planet rose up against the global biotech giant Monsanto...

On Saturday mothers will unite in homes or community centers across the globe, connected by a live video call, inspiring actions to create healthy communities. The...

Children exposed to pesticides sprayed in a GM soy-producing region of Argentina have genetic damage, a team of researchers from the National University...

US agencies, funders such as the Gates Foundation, and agribusiness giant Monsanto are trying to force unwilling African nations to accept expensive and...

In a ruling Thursday lauded by Costa Rica’s anti-GMO activists, the country’s Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, or Sala IV, struck down...