Variations in individual “educational attainment” (essentially, whether students complete high school or college) cannot be attributed to inherited...

Moms Across America are gathering around the country to spread awareness of GMOs because they have seen the health of their children improve when they...

The Connecticut Senate has voted 35-1 to approve gmo labeling late Tuesday, with the only dissenting vote coming from state Sen. Rob Kane, R-Watertown. “This...

Green Party leaders said today that biotech giant Monsanto and other powerful biotech companies and agribusinesses are wreaking havoc with the environment,...

Sustainable Pulse interview with GMO FREE USA Founder, Diana Reeves, on the multinational companies that are scared of GMO labeling, the political supporters...

Leslie Stoddard, the Co-Founder of GMO Free Idaho, is placing her unique summaries of the GMO fight in the US, live here on Sustainable Pulse starting...

In Argentina, locals exposed to herbicides have reported suffering from multiple conditions. San Jorge (Argentina) – The list of diseases that inhabitants...

Paul Deheuvels is an eminent statistician and a member of the French Academy of Sciences. Yet he was not consulted when the Academy released a statement...

An EU-US free trade deal is set to destroy EU safeguards for health and the environment with regard to GM crops and GM foods.The proposed deal claims...

A group of Round Island boas are being reintroduced to one of their original habitats on another Mauritian island for the first time since the 1860’s. This...