Sustainable Pulse and Detox Project Director Henry Rowlands, has recently appeared on Food Navigator and Urban Farm Podcasts to discuss pesticide testing...

A shocking new study published in Toxicology Reports has shown that the current regulatory assessments of the world’s most used herbicides are wrong,...

A groundbreaking new technology has been launched on Wednesday that will enable the general public around the world to find out their long-term exposure...

MetricBio have launched the first ever Glyphosate Biobank, to help shed further light on the levels of glyphosate in the U.S population and to help researchers...

Regulators and the food industry worldwide have shown a strong lack of interest in testing food products and the human population for residues of the World’s...

The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) has joined the Global GMO Free Coalition (GGFC) in a move that has added to the pressure...

On Wednesday Sustainable Pulse received a media advisory regarding the launch of a $ 25 Million international study on GMO and pesticide safety in Central...

Germany’s top supermarkets, the powerhouses of Europe when it comes to retail, have delivered a blow to the biotech industry by forcing the German poultry...

The China Development Strategy Research Society Committee of Cultural Strategy organized a unique event in Beijing during the last week of July to discuss...

Pilot study shows build-up of glyphosate herbicide in Mothers’ bodiesUrine testing shows glyphosate levels over 10 times higher than in EuropeInitial...