A large group of Chinese experts and citizens have joined together to sign a protest letter against ChemChina’s acquisition of the Swiss pesticide...

Genetically modified corn and soybeans were supposed to reduce chemical use on farms, but instead they’ve done the exact opposite by creating herbicide-resistant...

Three Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), representing the Greens/EFA Party, have made a Freedom of Information request to the European Food Safety...

Six environmental NGOs (Global 2000, PAN Europe, PAN UK, Generations Futures, Nature et Progrès Belgique and Wemove.EU) from five European countries filed...

The European Commission is proposing the re-approval of the controversial active ingredient glyphosate, which is used as a herbicide among other applications,...

A new paper published today in the open access Journal ‘Environmental Health’ has shown the concerns of top global scientists regarding the damage...

The President of the Portuguese Medical Association, José Manuel Silva, has called for a Global ban on the World’s most used herbicide, Glyphosate,...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency missed its own deadlines for completing risk assessments in 2015 for atrazine, glyphosate and imidacloprid, three...

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA), IFOAM International Organics, Navdanya, Regeneration International (RI), and Millions Against Monsanto, joined...

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), responding to litigation, has announced it is revoking the registration of “Enlist Duo.”  Approved by...