One of the World’s largest independent sustainable agriculture medias, Sustainable Pulse, has been banned by the Chinese government in all of mainland...

The EU Commission is refusing to let independent experts have access to the report prepared by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) on...

Professor Christopher Portier, one of the co-authors of the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) recent...

Friends of the Earth has applauded the launch of the Non-GMO Project’s most recently updated Standard, which clarifies that ingredients derived from...

Ten NGOs based in Europe have delivered an Open Letter to the Chinese Embassy in London, pleading with the Chinese people to take direct action to address...

After the WHO’s classification of glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen”, Brazil’s cancer institute has condemned GM crops for placing the country...

Following on from last week’s Word Health Organization (WHO) report on glyphosate, which confirmed the world’s most used herbicide probably...

On March 20th, a scientific working group consisting of seventeen experts from eleven countries released their evaluation of the herbicide glyphosate and...

The world’s largest and most comprehensive study on GMO and pesticide safety – ‘Factor GMO’ – which held its public launch in November 2014...

In a new report published today, GeneWatch UK publishes evidence that genetically modified (GM) insect factories could spread antibiotic resistant bacteria...