A new study by experts from Ohio Northern University in the U.S. has shown that glyphosate herbicides are a main cause of the tragic phosphorus poisoning...

Today, U.S. soybean producers spend 88 percent more on crop protectant products than they did six years ago, stated the 2015 National Ag Statistics Survey...

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich has announced that Russia will not use genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to increase productivity in...

Environmental Working Group released a new analysis Tuesday debunking the myth that genetically engineered crops (often called GMOs) will be crucial...

Center for Food Safety criticized the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) released Friday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Monsanto’s...

A new correlation study published on Friday in the Journal of Organic Systems has linked the world’s number one herbicide, glyphosate, to a huge...

A new analysis commissioned by Consumers Union, the policy arm of Consumer Reports, and conducted by the independent Portland-based economic research firm,...

Prominent doctors, scientists and business leaders today urged Congress to pressure the Obama administration to reject an application to market “Enlist...

Civil society groups today expressed alarm at an increase in dengue incidence, leading to an emergency decree, in a town in Brazil where releases of genetically...

Oxitec’s notification for the export of GM mosquito eggs to Panama contains no risk assessment for its planned experiments, despite this being a requirement...