GeneWatch UK today warned that open releases of millions of GM mosquitoes produced by UK company Oxitec should not take place in Panama until members of...

Corn hybrid trials in Illinois have been harvested, and results are showing Non-GMO corn hybrids performing as well or better than GMO corn hybrids. Spectrum...

People in 18 countries across Europe have been found to have traces of the weed killer glyphosate in their urine, show the results of tests commissioned...

There have been dramatic changes in the transgenic composition of GE corn and soybeans over the last five years, coupled with a substantial increase in...

Dr. Nancy Swanson from the US has supplied Sustainable Pulse with her detailed recent reviews of the connections between GMOs, glyphosate-based herbicides...

Environment and agriculture organisations have launched a new campaign today to prevent the further spread of genetically modified (GM) crops in Europe. The...

By 2050, rising population and demand, as well as an increase in use of wood for bioenergy, could triple the amount of wood society takes from forests...

The WWF has congratulated decision makers from the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) for taking scientific advice...

The latest study published by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook finds that the use of herbicides in the production of three...