Chosen Foods and Heavenly Organics have started a wave of Glyphosate Residue Free certified brands in the U.S., in what is being described as a “consumer-based...

Following a news report confirming that an application for approval for commercialization of GM mustard has been moved with India’s apex regulatory...

More than 100 farmer organizations from India representing lakhs of farmers, including some of the larger and more prominent unions, have come together...

India’s Oil and Environment Minister Veerappa Moily’s approval of more than 200 GMO trials on wheat , rice, canola, cotton by companies such...

Monsanto is currently on a well hidden worldwide winter offensive with their main targets including India, China and Russia, as they aim to open up new...

Request by 250 Indian scientists to the Indian PM to accept the Final Report submitted by the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC)...

There is no scientific consensus on the safety of genetically modified foods and crops, according to a statement released today by an international group...

Close on the heels of transnational seed company Monsanto abandoning its programme for development of genetically modified (GM) crops in Europe last month,...

After several years of apparent short term success in Burkina Faso of Bt cotton in increasing yields, and improving profits of small scale cotton farmers,...

On 5th July, Hon Justice Prabha Sridevi, Chair of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board of India, and Hon Shri DPS Parmar, technical member, dismissed...