US government scientists have detected a weedkiller linked to cancer in an array of commonly consumed foods, emails obtained through a freedom of information...

The European Commission has learned its lesson from the glyphosate controversy and is coming forward with “bold proposals” on transparency, says Bernhard...

The University of California, San Francisco Industry Documents Library placed online several collections of agrichemical industry documents on Thursday,...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lessened protections for crops and wildlife habitats after Monsanto supplied research that presented lower estimates...

Last week, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the FDA’s latest attempt to hide thousands of pages of key government documents related to...

Over 1,200 emails released under open records requests reveal that the US military is now the top funder and influencer behind a controversial genetic...

New University of Canterbury research has confirmed that the active ingredients of the commonly used herbicides, RoundUp, Kamba and 2,4-D (glyphosate,...

MegaFood®, an award-winning dietary supplement brand whose products are made with real, whole foods, has certified its entire line glyphosate residue...

In a Reuters article published on 19 October 2017, Kate Kelland reports on IARC Monograph draft documents “obtained by Monsanto as part of the legal...

A new global assessment, released Tuesday by the University of Arizona, helps scientists explain why cases of pest resistance to genetically modified crops...