The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) wants to withdraw the article by Professor Seralini on rats fed GM maize NK603, which was published in September...

The EU Commission today authorised the controversial genetically engineered maize SmartStax for food and feed. The decision was taken despite thousands...

This Wednesday 6 November, a crucial decision will be made on whether or not to open up Europe’s fields to new toxic genetically modified (GM) maize....

Today the African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) released a new report ‘Africa bullied to grow defective Bt Maize: the failure of Monsanto’s MON810 maize...

A Federal Judge in Mexico has ordered the country’s food and agricultural authorities to ban the planting of all GM maize, La Coperacha announced this...

The first independent project for identifying whether Russian farmers are growing illegal GM crops has started in the Belgorod region. In August 2013 in...

Biotech giant Monsanto has officially withdrawn four requests for GMO cultivation in the EU, following its announcement last month that it would no longer...

François Hollande confirmed Friday an extension of the moratorium on the cultivation of Monsanto’s GM maize MON810, despite the cancellation yesterday...

A few years ago WikiLeaks published 251,287 American Embassy dispatches. The action named “Cablegate” was more a spectacle from the German...

Although there are widespread objections in the European Union against genetically modified food, Monsanto wants to introduce a new, highly controversial...