The lead plaintiffs’ organization, Demanda Colectiva Maíz (Acción Colectiva), announced Wednesday that opponents of genetically modified (GM) maize...

Mexico’s XII District Court has overturned a 2013 ruling that prevented biotech companies, including Monsanto and Syngenta, planting genetically...

The legal battles over the existing ban on the planting of GM maize in Mexico continue to unfold with a string of four important court victories by the...

Germany’s top supermarkets, the powerhouses of Europe when it comes to retail, have delivered a blow to the biotech industry by forcing the German poultry...

Monsanto have requested the removal of an Appeals Court Judge in Mexico, who ruled against them in the ongoing legal battle on the prohibition of GM Maize...

In a historic resolution, the Second District Court of the state of Campeche, Mexico granted legal protection to the Mayan communities Pac-Chen and Cancabchen...

Mexico is one of the most extraordinary places on Earth when it comes to agricultural biodiversity, with the majority of the country being globally recognized...

Following a ban on the cultivation of GM Maize in Mexico in 2013, the Campeche region of the country has now prohibited the growing of  GM Soybeans following...

A Mexican judge has thrown out the appeals of Mexico’s SEMARNAT (Environment and Natural Resources Ministry), and Monsanto, who were attempting to overturn...

A Federal Judge in Mexico has ordered the country’s food and agricultural authorities to ban the planting of all GM maize, La Coperacha announced this...